Thursday, August 7, 2008

Our House...

Remember back in the day there was always that one house where all the kids in the neighborhood hung out at? Well coming home today I realized that it was our house. Not complaining at all, very stoked that my kids and their friends are safe in our home, just felt very grown up (Old) though walking up the drive and seeing those bikes...ok where's my skateboard dammit. 


HeadHighGlassy said...

I love how the girl's bike is the only one employing the kickstand--very telling about the 'fairer' sex.
Great blog.

resintint said...

Thanks HHG, yes the girls have the concept down even at an early age...The less effort and sweat the better...
Beautiful looking sleds on your Blog, lovin' that
deep red wine tint, can't beat fine craftsmanship.
Nice work!

R.T. said...

i grew up in a high kid traffic house. gromhood thru high school my parents suffered many headaches letting all the kids go off. quarter pipes in the street, mini-halfer in the backyard. constantly pissing off the neighbor with all the noise, and dad always finding a way to pipe the neighbor down so the kids could keep skating. every gang of kids should have a household to go to that promotes youth gathering. props to you!

resintint said...

Thanks RT!, you had a "rad dad" growin' up!! Hey the lawn gets beat up all the time, the bricks are always comin' loose, today I found melted surf wax in our vw van on top of our grom's wettie, and every summer I seem to be bringing a new kid for his first go at surfing...But I'm stoked the kids are havin' fun and it's great watching them and their friends grow into fine little far so good)